Platinum Personal Coaching with Mark

“I like how his approach is tailored for those of us who want more affluent clients.”

Susan Barthworth
Custom & 
bespoke Tailoring

“A unique mix of inspiration and practical ‘how to’. I’ve been a follower of Mark’s for over 10 years and I can say his advice has directly accounted for over $500,000 in new sales.”

Roger Morris
Business broker

"A creative approach specifically geared to anyone who wants to market their products or services to the wealthy.”

Don Kemper
Financial Services

  What do you want to achieve?

-More affluent clients? 

-Greater confidence

 -An automated marketing system that works largely on autopilot? 

-Creating a unique brand that positions you as a recognized expert in your field? 

-Grow your network?

Greetings-and thanks for your interest in my Platinum Personal Coaching.

Greetings - and thanks for your interest in my Platinum Personal Coaching.

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t do a particularly good of “selling” personal coaching. That said, I’ll try to give you enough information so you can decide if it makes sense for you to consider enrolling.

One of the first questions that you're probably asking is...
Who am I, and why should you consider coaching with me?

In short...

I’ve been advising businesses in over 2 dozen different industries for the past 30 years on how to design and implement marketing strategies for attracting more new affluent clients. If you sell products or services to the wealthy, I’ve most likely developed client attraction campaigns in your industry.

Marketing to the affluent is all my team and I do.

Along the way, I’ve written a number of books that have appeared on most of the major best selling lists. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to get a copy of my latest, The Affluent Marketing Blueprint.

“A step by step approach that’s already enabling us to build relationships with our wealthy target audience.”

Steven Lachataine- Luxury Real Estate  

About Platinum Personal Coaching

Let me tell you a bit about Platinum Coaching, and if it’s of interest, I’m happy to jump on a quick call with you to answer any questions. 

Simply put, my sole purpose is to take you from where you are now, to where you want to be, during our time working together.

We meet twice a month, on zoom, with two objectives in mind.

1) A detailed review of where you are at that particular moment in time. 
What you’ve achieved, and what speed bumps you’ve run into. 
We’ll figure out practical solutions to anything that’s standing in your way.

2) Jointly arrive at specific steps you need to take to move the proverbial ball forward to the next milestone (to mix metaphors).

I’m a huge believer that it is incredibly easy to get overwhelmed with all the options available to you for growing your business. This is especially true when you are focusing on the affluent market.

My role as your coach is to jointly outline what needs to be done to achieve your goals…break this down into specific action steps…advise you on how to implement it…and hold you accountable for getting things done.

That's really in a nutshell what my Personal Coaching 
is all about.

“I have followed Mark’s techniques for years. 
Used them to grow Alsbridge from near zero to over $55m of revenue”. 
- Ben Trowbridge


It’s probably easier to tell you who is not.  👀 👀

👉  If you are not laser focused on marketing to the wealthy-I’m not the right coach for you. 

There are plenty of other coaches who can help you with attracting a mass audience. I just happen to not be one of them. The affluent market is unique, and requires strategies and tactics that resonate with the specific characteristics of the wealthy.

Attracting more affluent clients depends upon first developing a relationship, and then seamlessly moving them from curiosity to interest to engagement.

This requires a sophisticated approach, and is the polar opposite of “simplistic”. Believe me, if there was a magic red button you could push, and have wealthy clients come running to you-I’d endorse it.

But there’s not.

Much the same way as you don’t go up to the pretty girl (or handsome guy) at the bar and say, “Want to get married?”, there isn’t just a simple statement you can send out in a mass email and immediately get new affluent clients.

⚠️ Instead, what you need is a blueprint that breaks down the goal into actionable steps, and then I’ll coach you on precisely what you need to do in order to achieve the results you want.⚠️

👉 👉  If you don’t have a bias for action, I’m not the right coach for you.

Action trumps meditation every time. It’s easy to come up with reasons for why something might not work, and never actually do anything. As a result, you stand on the sidelines as the clock runs down, and then wonder why your business and life hasn’t changed for the better.

I’m really only effective with people who are committed to implementing the plan we develop together.

👉 👉 👉 If you don’t have a reasonable budget for marketing- once again, I’m not the right person for you.

You don’t need to have a fortune in order to be successful, but you do need money that is specifically earmarked for growing your business. I believe that marketing ultimately shouldn’t cost you anything since the returns far outweigh the investment. (Obviously, no guarantees-but you know that.)

There’s an old adage that marketing is simple - Try a number of things. See what works best. Do more of that.

That’s surprisingly true.

The trick is that you need to make sure that you can track the effectiveness of your marketing so you know what’s working. Not what you think might work, but what is actually producing results.

That’s why the marketing plans I set up with my Platinum Personal Coaching clients are different in many ways from traditional approaches. And again, I’ll advise you not only only on what to do- but how to implement it.

Step by step.

I never leave my clients hanging.

“I credit what I learned from Mark with getting me a $200,000 client. 
You need a process & system. Mark walks you through precisely what to do (and what not to do).”
-Jason Tucker, Private Equity Partner

So, what's this going to cOST?

I’m sure you’re wondering what the investment is. From a practical standpoint, it won’t cost you anything, as long as you stay engaged and actually implement the action steps we agree on each week. If you do that you should (although no one can promise this) make back your investment many times over. 

You’ve undoubtedly investigated other world-class coaching programs, so you know an investment of $50,000-$75,000 is fairly common. I’ve actually been a member of a $95,000 coaching program in the past, and I know with that level of investment, I was extremely motivated to implement what needed to be done.

But don’t worry, I’m not going to charge you that.

I’m a believer that the investment should be affordable for the type of client I think would benefit the most from Platinum Coaching, but also serve as an incentive to take action on the steps we agree upon. 

⚠️ I require a 3 month commitment to coaching with me. 
(You can extend your enrollment for as long as you wish.) ⚠️

 📣 The Investment For A 3-Month Membership In The Platinum Coaching Program Is Either A One Time Payment Of $4,000,
Or 3 Monthly Payments Of $1,500 📣 

Test Drive Platinum Coaching 
Risk Free

In the unlikely event that during the first month you decide we’re not a fit-no worries. I’ll refund you what you’ve paid, and we’ll part friends. If you’ve been a member of my community for any length of time, you know that I’m committed to making sure everyone that works with me is 100% delighted in what we accomplish together. 


If you’re interested in applying, click the button below and complete the questionnaire. 

I’ll read it over and if I think we’re potentially a good fit, we’ll hop on a call to discuss the program 
in more detail.

Once again, thanks for your interest in Platinum Coaching

Talk soon

PS: One other thing I’ll mention, for what it’s worth…there isn’t anything that I’ll recommend to you, that either myself, or one of my clients hasn’t actually implemented.

I’m not big on theory. I’m a huge believer in doing what actually works.

“Extremely helpful for navigating the waters of marketing to the wealthy”
- Ted Erickson, Luxury Travel

Interested and ready to take the next step? Complete the questionnaire and let’s set up a time to discuss if Platinum Coaching is right for you.
My products are sold for educational purposes only. Please understand the results I'm sharing with you are not typical. I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or achieve anything for that matter). The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. Everything on this page are references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please do not get this product.
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